今年四.五月blissgirl剛進入台灣,你們可看這篇開箱-bliss box
那時有推出bliss box 198元體驗產品
I bought the Bliss Box on April or May this year,you can check on this article開箱-bliss box,and every limited box only for $198
最近到了Liffey Valley 愛爾蘭的M&S,我看到複合式專櫃,包含了各牌子的彩妝,身體乳液,香水等產品
I went to M&S at the Liffey Valley,Dublin,Ireland.They have all kinds of products.I found Bliss.
Let's see what I got!!
Daily detoxifying facial toner每日潔膚健康水(25euro)
Alcohol-free formula gently tightens pores不含酒精的配方不會刺激肌膚
玩美女孩潔面凝膠fabulous roaming face wash(28Euro)
buy two get FREE gift:
柯夢波丹六件式旅行組lemon+sage sink-side six pack travel-ready top sellers
洗髮精supershine shampoo,潤髮乳conditioning rinse,洗面乳fabulous roaming face wash,沐浴乳soapy suds,身體乳液body butter,肥皂body bar
see ya!
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